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    Installation, Configuration and Command of Plug-in Mani


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    Installation and configuration of Plug-in Mani






    The Mani Admin Plug-in is a feature rich menu driven admin administration tool for Counter Strike Source.


    Admin Features








    High Ping Kicker

    Reserve Slot Management

    Autokick/ban of players with offensive names

    War Mode for clan wars with overview_mode enforcement

    Weapon Restrict (per map or default for all maps)

    Play Sound (unlimited sounds)

    Explode effect

    Say (from console or in game using @)

    Admin only Say (from console or in game using @)

    Rcon commands and menu lists

    Plug-in control

    Execute commands on player clients or whole teams via menu and client console

    Restrictions on what admins can do

    Word filtering in chat messages

    Admins added by IP Address and/or Steam ID

    Setup feature restrictions for different admins

    Use of aliases within config files to make menu system easier to use


    General Features



    Nextmap (console or from say command)

    Listmaps (console)

    Votemap (console or from say command)

    TheTime (console or from say command)

    Timeleft (console or from say command)

    ATAC style team kill/team wound protection (compatible with bots)

    Statistics (top/rank/statsme) also dumped to text file

    Talk directly to admins in game using @ message

    Compatible with bots


    Map specific features


    Restrict weapons on map load

    Execute rcon commands on map load (sv_gravity, mp_freezetime etc)



    The requirements for Linux are that the following libraries are installed on your server: -



    Creating the required directories


    It is assumed that the base directory of your css installation contains the following directories: -


    $BASE = path to the directory where the following directories are





    1. Create a new directory $BASE/cstrike/addons/

    2. Create a new directory $BASE/cstrike/cfg/mani_admin_plugin/

    3. Create a new directory $BASE/cstrike/cfg/mani_admin_plugin/map_config/

    4. Create a new directory $BASE/cstrike/cfg/mani_admin_plugin/restrict/

    5. Create a new directory $BASE/cstrike/sound/admin_plugin/


    Assuming you are using ftp. A good free ftp client can be found at


    From the zip file copy the following default files to $BASE/cstrike/cfg/mani_admin_plugin/
















    From the zip file copy the following default file to $BASE/cstrike/cfg/mani_admin_plugin/map_config/




    From the zip file copy the following default file to $BASE/cstrike/cfg/





    From the zip file copy the following default file to $BASE/cstrike/cfg/mani_admin_plugin/restrict/




    From the zip file copy the following files to $BASE/cstrike/addons/




    For linux users: -


    The file de_dust.res is an example file of how to setup your sounds.

    If you wish to setup your own sounds you must find them and change the de_dust.res file to your specifications.

    More in the soundlist.txt section on how to do this.

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    All configuration files (except adverts.txt) can have comments, these are in the form of // characters. Anything after the // is considered as a comment and ignored by the plug-in.

    All configuration files are reloaded on a map.

    All configuration files can be of any length.

    If the plug-in is working the command ‘ma_version’ at the server console or client console will report back the version number of the plug-in.



    Ensure that the file $BASE/cstrike/maplist.txt contains all the maps that your server has on it.

    This file is very important for calculating the nextmap feature and must be present.

    On some installations this file is not created during the server installation. Simply copying mapcycle.txt to maplist.txt should be ok.

    If you add a new map to your server you must add the map name to your maplist.txt file.




    This is where you place all your admins that you wish to have access to the administration features. The default file explains how to setup your admins.

    Edit the file $BASE/cstrike/cfg/mani_admin_plugin/adminlist.txt


    NOTE : The flags represent what you DON’T want administrators to have access to, if you want access to ALL functions then don’t add flags.


    For reference here is an example extract: -



    // Add your IP's and Steam addresses in this file for admins



    // e.g STEAM_0:0:21233123




    // THOSE OPTIONS UNLESS YOU HAVE mani_reverse_admin_flags set to 1

    // in your autoexec.cfg


    // Restriction options are :-


    // k = restrict admin from kicking players

    // r = restrict admin from executing rcon commands via ma_rcon

    // q = restrict admin from executing rcon commands from the menu

    // e = restrict admin from the adminexplode command

    // m = restrict admin from slaying players

    // b = restrict admin from banning players

    // s = restrict admin from running ma_say

    // o = restrict admin from running ma_chat

    // a = restrict admin from running ma_psay

    // c = restrict admin from changing maps

    // p = restrict admin from playing sounds

    // w = restrict admin from restricting weapons

    // z = restrict admin from plug-in config menu

    // x = restrict admin from running admincexec commands

    // y = restrict admin from running admincexec from the menu

    // i = restrict admin from running blind commands

    // l = restrict admin from running slap commands



    // An example would be if you wanted to prevent admin

    // with steam id STEAM_0:0:2388333

    // from being able to play sounds and rcon command


    // STEAM_0:0:2388333 rp // Admin can't rcon and play sound !!


    // Another example

    // STEAM_0:0:3389333 kmc // Admin can't kick, slay or change maps


    // If you wanted an admin to be created by IP Address you

    // set your entry to be in the format


    // ;IP Address flag


    // Example


    // ; rp // Admin can't rcon and play sound !!

    // ; kmc // Admin can't kick, slay or change maps


    // If you want to have an Admin created by both steam ID and IP address you

    // use the format STEAM_ID;IP_ADDRESS flags


    // Example


    // STEAM_0:1:877489; rp // Admin can't rcon and play sound !!




    // If you only use an IP Address, the character ';' MUST be directly in

    // front of it.


    // There must be a space between the steam ID/IP Address and restriction flags

    // or the plug-in will assume that it is part of the Steam ID/IP Address






    This is where you place all your adverts for your server. If the file is empty or does not exist, no adverts will be displayed.

    Edit the file $BASE/cstrike/cfg/mani_admin_plugin/advertlist.txt and add your adverts on each line.

    Do not place comments in this file.

    The following is an extract of what the cs-suck clan currently have running


    [sUCK] no longer recruiting for CS:S

    FF = ON - No TK'ing please !

    Server running - MANI ADMIN MOD

    [suck] Clan CS:S Server

    [suck]meet March 5th 2005 - visit web for details !

    Server running - MANI ADMIN MOD

    Merry Xmas to all from [suck] clan


    Notice that the adverts cannot be too long in length, the advert [suck]meet March 5th 2005 - visit web for details ! is too long and will be truncated on screen. The time between adverts is configured in the server var ‘mani_time_between_adverts’




    This is where you place all your rcon commands that you wish to have access to via the menu system. The default file shows a few rcon commands.

    Edit the file $BASE/cstrike/cfg/mani_admin_plugin/rconlist.txt


    For reference here is an extract: -



    // rconlist.txt


    // Place all your rcon commands that you want to

    // execute on the server in here


    // This file can use aliases.


    // Aliases are what is shown in the menu system

    // a nice way of presenting the commands.

    // Aliases must be enclosed in quotes


    // E.G. "Low Gravity"


    // Do not put another quote inside like :-


    // "Low "Gravity""


    // The command after the alias is the real command

    // executed.


    // You do not have to use aliases but it makes the

    // menu's easier to use if you do.


    // Your old config files pre V1.0.8 will still work

    // if you don't change them.


    // Add you rcon commands here

    // e.g exec server.cfg


    "Default Server" exec server.cfg // Server.cfg

    "Low Gravity" sv_gravity 150 // Low grav

    "Normal Gravity" sv_gravity 800 // Normal gravity

    "Add a bot" bot_add // Add a server bot

    exec ed.cfg








    This is where you place all your client commands that you wish to have access to via the menu system.

    Each file represents a different menu list, the name of each file is self explanatory.


    Edit the file $BASE/cstrike/cfg/mani_admin_plugin/cexeclist_*.txt (i.e cexeclist_all.txt or cexeclist_spec.txt)


    An example of one of these files is here (cexeclist_all.txt)



    // cexeclist_all.txt


    // Place all your client commands that you want to

    // execute on all players in here


    // This file can use aliases.


    // Aliases are what is shown in the menu system

    // a nice way of presenting the commands.

    // Aliases must be enclosed in quotes


    // E.G. "Kill All Players"


    // Do not put another quote inside like :-


    // "Kill All "Players""


    // The command after the alias is the real command

    // executed.


    // You do not have to use aliases but it makes the

    // menu's easier to use if you do.


    // Your old config files pre V1.0.8 will still work

    // if you don't change them.



    "Disconnect players" disconnect

    "Everyone say Hi" cmd say "Hi"

    "Everyone vote" cmd say "Votemap"



    This is where you place all your weapons that you want to appear on the menu system for restriction weapons.

    It is advisable to leave this as is as the map weapons configuration relies on this file to be accurate.




    Uncomment the weapons you would like to be restricted for all the maps on the server.




    This is where you place all your sounds that you wish to have listed in the admin menu.

    You can have an unlimited amount of custom sounds in here.


    The default file shows the current setup for the cs-suck server.

    Do not remove the entry


    // The next sound is required by the plug-in



    Edit the file $BASE/cstrike/cfg/mani_admin_plugin/soundlist.txt


    For reference here is an extract: -



    // soundlist.txt


    // Place all your client commands that you want to

    // execute on all players in here


    // This file can use aliases.


    // Aliases are what is shown in the menu system

    // a nice way of presenting the commands.

    // Aliases must be enclosed in quotes


    // E.G. "Don't just stand there"


    // Do not put another quote inside like :-


    // "See "Ya" Later"


    // You do not have to use aliases but it makes the

    // menu's easier to use if you do.


    // Your old config files pre V1.0.8 will still work

    // if you don't change them but the paths will not

    // be removed from the sounds.




    "Waiting For Suspect" admin_plugin/waitingforsuspect.wav

    "Don't just stand there, pick up the gun and shoot it !" admin_plugin/dontjuststandthere.wav

    "Who ate all the donuts ?" admin_plugin/donuteater.wav

    "Do you smell something ?" admin_plugin/doyousmell.wav

    "With my brains and your brawn we'll make an excellent team" admin_plugin/excellentteam.wav


    "Hello" admin_plugin/hellosoft.wav

    "Don't ask me" admin_plugin/dontaskme.wav

    "Could it get any worse than this ?" admin_plugin/getanyworse.wav

    "See ya later" admin_plugin/seeya.wav

    "Oh you'll pay, you will definately pay !!" admin_plugin/youwillpay.wav


    "Laughing sounds" admin_plugin/laugh.wav

    "Move !!" admin_plugin/move.wav

    "Good luck out there, you're gonna need it" admin_plugin/goodluck.wav

    "1069er 1069er We got whores in the city, we need backup now, cmon" admin_plugin/whores.wav

    "I am the great Cornholio" admin_plugin/cornholio.wav


    As a footnote, the sounds come from a mixture of half-life 1 sounds, half-life 2 sounds and beavis & butthead wavs found on the web.


    In order for custom sounds to play a .res file for each map on your server must be created containing the paths of the file.

    This file must be placed in $BASE/cstrike/maps/

    For example for the de_dust must have the following .res file de_dust.res in order for our soundlist.txt file to work properly.

    Note that these wav files must be found by yourselves, this is only an example of what we use on the cs-suck clan servers.




    "sound/admin_plugin/waitingforsuspect.wav" "file"

    "sound/admin_plugin/dontjuststandthere.wav" "file"

    "sound/admin_plugin/donuteater.wav" "file"

    "sound/admin_plugin/doyousmell.wav" "file"

    "sound/admin_plugin/excellentteam.wav" "file"

    "sound/admin_plugin/hellosoft.wav" "file"

    "sound/admin_plugin/dontaskme.wav" "file"

    "sound/admin_plugin/getanyworse.wav" "file"

    "sound/admin_plugin/seeya.wav" "file"

    "sound/admin_plugin/youwillpay.wav" "file"

    "sound/admin_plugin/laugh.wav" "file"

    "sound/admin_plugin/move.wav" "file"

    "sound/admin_plugin/goodluck.wav" "file"

    "sound/admin_plugin/whores.wav" "file"

    "sound/admin_plugin/cornholio.wav" "file"



    So if we have the following maps in $BASE/cstrike/maps/






    We must also have our custom .res file as: -






    When a user connects for the first time they will automatically download the required files, don’t make the .wav files too big or the user downloading them will get pissed off waiting and find somewhere else to play !!




    This is where the plugin server vars are setup. You should set all your plugin server var settings in here and add ‘exec mani_server.cfg’ in server.cfg (if you have one)

    For multiple installations where you require a different plugin configuration to be used add ‘+mani_path mani_admin_plugin’ in your startup script that runs the server. Replace mani_admin_plugin with the path you need to use for your instance. If the option is not added to your startup script the default will be mani_server.cfg.


    Edit the file $BASE/cstrike/cfg/mani_server.cfg

    The following is an extract of what the cs-suck clan currently have running with explanations of each setting: -


    mani_adverts 1 // Adverts 1 = on, 0 = off

    mani_time_between_adverts 120 // Time between adverts displayed


    mani_voting 1 // Allow voting 1 = on, 0 = off

    mani_vote_percentage 60 // Percentage of votes required from players before map change

    mani_time_before_vote 60 // Time after a new map starts that voting is allowed

    mani_minimum_votes 4 // Minimum number of votes required to change a map (override vote percentage)


    mani_tk_protection 1 // Enable TK Protection 1 = on, 0 = off

    mani_tk_forgive 1 // Enable TK Punishment menu 1 = on, 0 = off

    mani_tk_spawn_time 5 // Time allowed after freezetime where spawn protection is enabled

    mani_tk_offences_for_ban 7 // Number of tk violations before player is banned

    mani_tk_ban_time 5 // Time in minutes for a tk ban, 0 = permanent

    mani_tk_blind_amount 253 // Amount of blindness for 'blind' punishment (255 = completely blind)


    // New for V1.0.4

    mani_tk_show_opposite_team_wound 1 // If set to 1 shows opposition team wounds and all team wounds if you are spectator, 0 = normal css style


    // Sets colour of adverts, here I've set it to blue

    mani_advert_col_red 0 // Red component colour of adverts (255 = max)

    mani_advert_col_green 0 // Green component colour of adverts (255 = max)

    mani_advert_col_blue 255 // Blue component colour of adverts (255 = max)


    // New for V1.0.5

    mani_adminsay_anonymous 0 // When set to 0, adminsay shows admin’s name to all players, when set to 1, only admins see the name

    mani_adminkick_anonymous 0 // When set to 0, an admin kick shows admin’s name to all players, when set to 1, only admins see the name

    mani_adminslay_anonymous 0 // When set to 0, an admin slay shows admin’s name to all players, when set to 1, only admins see the name

    mani_adminban_anonymous 0 // When set to 0, an admin ban shows admin’s name to all players, when set to 1, only admins see the name


    mani_adminsay_top_left 1 // Enable disable top left adminsay and adminosay

    mani_adminsay_chat_area 1 // Enable disable chat area adminsay and adminosay


    mani_console_votemap 1 // Enable disable voting in console


    mani_stats 1 // Enable disable statistics

    mani_stats_mode 1 // 0 = calculate once per map, 1 = calculate at end of each round

    mani_stats_drop_player_days 5 // Number of days since player last connected before they are removed from the stats list


    // New for V1.0.7


    // This was in previous versions but there is now a new calculation mode, 2 = by (kills - deaths)

    mani_stats_calculate 1 // 0 = show stats by pure kills, 1 = show kills by kill/death ratio, 2 = kills - deaths


    // Brand new in V1.0.7 to try and stop one time joiners getting high KD ratios


    mani_stats_kills_required 25 // Number of kills required before a player is given a rank


    // ********************************************

    // New for V1.0.8


    mani_tk_add_violation_without_forgive 0 // Defines whether a players tk violation count is incremented even if forgiven (1 = on)

    mani_tk_allow_blind_option 1 // Defines whether the blind option can be used on players (1 = on)

    mani_tk_allow_bots_to_punish 1 // Defines whether bots can run tk punish options on other player (1 = on)

    mani_tk_allow_bots_to_add_violations 0 // Defines whether when tk'ing a bot adds to a players tk violation count (1 = on)


    mani_stats_top_display_time 10 // Defines how long a 'top' display lasts for before it fades (5 - 30 seconds)

    mani_stats_show_rank_to_all 1 // Defines whether other players see your rank when you type 'rank'

    mani_stats_alternative_rank_message // Defines a message to show when a user types 'rank' and the stats are turned off (this can be blank)


    mani_adverts_top_left 1 // Allow adverts in top left corner of screen

    mani_adverts_chat_area 1 // Allow adverts in chat area of screen


    mani_ff_player_only 0 // Defines whether the command ff executed is shown only to the player or the whole server (1 = player only)

    mani_nextmap_player_only 0 // Defines whether the command nextmap executed is shown only to the player or the whole server (1 = player only)

    mani_timeleft_player_only 0 // Defines whether the command timeleft executed is shown only to the player or the whole server (1 = player only)

    mani_thetime_player_only 0 // Defines whether the command thetime executed is shown only to the player or the whole server (1 = player only)


    // ********************************************

    // New for V1.0.9


    mani_reserve_slots 1 // Turn on off reserve slots

    mani_reserve_slots_number_of_slots 1 // Number of reserve slots you have

    mani_reserve_slots_kick_message "You were disconnected for using a reserve slot" // User defined message shown in players console when kicked

    mani_reserve_slots_redirect_message "This server is full, you are being redirected to another one of our servers" // User defined message for redirection of players to another server

    mani_reserve_slots_redirect "" // The IP address of the server you wish to redirect players to. Leave it blank if you do not want redirection to be used

    mani_reserve_slots_allow_slot_fill 1 // This defines whether you want your reserve slots to fill with reserve players or always be kept free (1 = allow slots to fill, 0 = always keeps slots free and kick player instead)

    mani_reserve_slots_kick_method 1 // Type of method used to kick players, 0 = by highest ping (spectators first), 1 = by connection time (spectators go first)

    mani_reserve_slots_include_admin 1 // Include admins in the adminlist.txt file as players who have reserve slots (1 = include admins)


    mani_war_mode_force_overview_zero 0 // Force all dead players to run overview_mode 0 every game frame


    mani_high_ping_kick 0 // Enable disable high ping kicker (1 = on)

    mani_high_ping_kick_ping_limit 400 // Set the ping at which you want players kicked

    mani_high_ping_kick_samples_required 60 // Number of samples and averaged before a decision is made to kick a player (1 sample is about 1.5 seconds)

    mani_high_ping_kick_message "Your ping is too high" // Message displayed in console when player is disconnected


    mani_stats_write_text_file 1 // Enables writing of ranks to a text file called mani_ranks.txt for export to a web page.


    // **********************************************

    // New for V1.0.10


    mani_tk_slap_to_damage 10 // Amount of health that a player will slapped to

    mani_tk_allow_slap_option 1 // Turn on slap option for tk punishments

    mani_tk_allow_freeze_option 1 // Turn on freeze option for tk punishments


    mani_adminslap_anonymous 0 // When set to 0, an admin slap shows admin’s name to all players, when set to 1, only admins see the name

    mani_adminblind_anonymous 0 // When set to 0, an admin blind shows admin’s name to all players, when set to 1, only admins see the name

    mani_adminfreeze_anonymous 0 // When set to 0, an admin freeze shows admin’s name to all players, when set to 1, only admins see the name


    mani_stats_write_to_disk_frequency 0 // Set in minutes how often you want the stats save, 0 = only once per map change. This should be used when you play one map 24/7 with no timelimit

    mani_protect_against_cheat_cvars 0 // Force r_shadowids to 0 for alive players, for overview_mode to 0 for dead players if mani_war_mode_force_overview_zero = 1

    mani_military_time 1 // 1 for military style time, 0 for 12 hour clock



    Weapon restrictions by map


    The Mani Admin Plug-in can control the weapons restricted by map.

    This is achieved by placing a configuration file in the $BASE/cstrike/cfg/mani_admin_plugin/restrict/ directory. This is loaded when the specific map starts and is executed for the duration of the map.

    If we had a custom map say cs_reflex3 and we wanted to restrict the awps, autosnipers, flashbangs and smoke grenades then we would create the following file called cs_reflex3_restrict.txt





    g3sg1 // Auto sniper

    sg550 // Auto sniper


    If we want to create one for de_prodigy we would call the file de_prodigy_restrict.txt


    Server rcon commands by map


    The Mani Admin Plug-in can control the server vars by map.

    This is achieved by placing a configuration file in the $BASE/cstrike/cfg/mani_admin_plugin/map_config/ directory. This is loaded when the specific map starts and is executed for the duration of the map.

    If we had a custom map say cs_reflex3 and we wanted to change the freeze time to 0 and change the timelimit for the map to 15 minutes we would create the following file cs_reflex3.cfg


    mp_freezetime 0

    mp_timelimit 15


    Any type of rcon command can be placed in this file.


    WARNING !!!


    If any server vars are changed, there must be a default value setup in the $BASE/cstrke/cfg/server.cfg to reset the value when changing to the nextmap or the values will stay the same.

    For example. If we change to map scoutzknivez and set the gravity to be low in the file scoutzknivez.cfg and then change to de_dust the gravity will still be low unless there is a setting in the server.cfg file setting the gravity back to normal default values. Server.cfg is executed at the start of every map by the Counter Strike Source engine.

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    Admin commands

    In order to use the administration tool in game it is necessary to bind a key to the command ‘admin’.


    For example from the console: -

    bind “a” “admin”


    If you now hit the key ‘a’ from within the game and you are setup as an admin in the adminlist.txt file, the admin menu will be displayed.


    Changing plug-in config parameters

    If you are using the menu system, press the key you have bound to ‘admin’

    Select ‘8 Plug-in Config’

    Select an plug-in configuration option you wish to toggle.

    Note that by changing these options it will be permanent unless the associated server var (e.g. mani_adverts) is in the server.cfg file.

    This is not particularly comprehensive at the moment but is enough to enable/disable major functionality.

    The mani plugin server vars can also be changed by using adminrcon or using normal rcon.


    Logging Admin actions


    A note should be made that all commands are logged in the CSS server logs for traceability of admin actions.

    All logs issued by the plug-in have [MANI_ADMIN_PLUGIN] associated with the message


    Player commands

    Most player commands can be done from either ‘say’ commands or from the console. In general the console commands give a better description of the action.




    This is a console only command.

    It shows the maps in the mapcycle list and maps that are on the server but not in the mapcycle.

    It also shows the current map being played and the nextmap that will be played.




    This is a console and ‘say’ command.

    It shows the next map that will be played in the console and on the upper left of the screen.




    This is a console and ‘say’ command.

    It shows the current server time in the top left of the screen.




    This is a console and ‘say’ command.

    It shows the time left for the map




    Voting uses the file ‘votemaplist.txt’ that can be found in the $BASE/cstrike/cfg/mani_admin_plugin/ directory for it’s selection of maps to choose from. This file is automatically generated from the maplist.txt file if it cannot find votemaplist.txt.


    This is a console and ‘say’ command.

    From the console the user can specify ‘votemap’, this will show the current status of the ongoing vote.

    From the ‘say’ command a menu is shown detailing the maps that you can vote for with the current voting status.

    How the votes are decided upon is configured in the server vars: -


    mani_voting 1 // Allow voting 1 = on, 0 = off

    mani_vote_percentage 60 // Percentage of votes required from players before map change

    mani_time_before_vote 60 // Time after a new map starts that voting is allowed

    mani_minimum_votes 4 // Minimum number of votes required to change a map (override vote percentage)




    This is a ‘say’ command that looks at the server var mp_friendlyfire and displays whether friendly fire is on or off.




    If the stats are turned on (mani_stats 1) then ‘rank’ (chat only) will show the players current rank.

    If the player is dead when they type ‘rank’ any players still alive will not see the returned rank message




    If the stats are turned on, ‘statsme’ will show the players own statistics to date


    TOP (TOP1… TOP10)


    If the stats are turned on, ‘top’, ‘top1’, ‘top2’ etc will show the current top players in the stats.


    Team Killing and Team Wounding


    The Mani Admin Plug-in has a system for dealing with team kills/team wounds.

    Spawn Protection

    Spawn protection is setup to immediately slay persons who fire at team mates within a configurable timelimit after the round starts.

    The spawn time limit is from when players can move after buying weapons.


    If a player has not spawn attacked on the map. The first punishment will be that they are slayed instantly.

    The second time they spawn attack, the player will be slayed and miss the next round.

    The third time a player spawn attacks, the player will be slayed and miss the next two rounds.


    As you can see the punishment grows the more a player spawn attacks.

    Changing team, sitting out round or leaving and re-joining the server will not make any difference to the punishments.


    Team Killing in game

    There are two modes of operation: -


    Forgive Mode On.

    If a player kills a team-mate, the victim will be presented an option on screen of ‘Slay or miss next round’ and ‘Forgive’.


    Forgive Mode Off.

    If a player kills a team-mate, the attacker will be slayed instantly.


    Auto ban

    A persistent team killer spawn attacker can eventually be banned by the plug-in.

    The number of tk violations required for a ban can be configured by changing the mani_tk_offences_for_ban server var.

    A TK Violation is defined as a TK or Spawn attack in a round.

    Only one violation is counted if it was a spawn team wound/kill violation.

    If a team kill happens after the spawn protection time the plug-in will add 1 violation to the players tk violation counter.

    The plug-in will immediately check if the player has hit the limit for tk violations and ban them if they have.

    Forgiving a player does not affect the tk violation count unless the server var mani_tk_add_violation_without_forgive is set to 0.

    The ban time is adjustable in the mani_tk_ban_time server var.


    Show Team Wounding from opposite team

    In the standard CSS game when playing you only see the phrase ‘x attacked a teammate’ if the teamwound happened on your team.

    If you turn on the server var mani_tk_show_opposite_team_wound and set it to 1, teamwounds will be reported to both sides and to spectators.

    This can be useful to admins as they may not know that team wounding is occurring on the opposite side under normal circumstances.

    Spam prevention is included to not repeat showing the same message if the team wounds happen with 0.25 seconds of each other.


    Stats Module


    Included is a stats module that compiles players stats during the course of play.

    Stats are saved at the start of a new map rather than the end of a map which is more reliable.

    The stats are saved in a file called ‘mani_stats.dat’ in the mani admin plugin configuration folder, another file is also created in rank order called mani_ranks.txt which is human readable.

    On server reboot the stats file will be reloaded to restore the ranks.


    There are 7 server vars (mani_server.cfg) associated with the stats: -


    mani_stats 1 // Enable disable statistics

    mani_stats_mode 1 // 0 = calculate once per map, 1 = calculate at end of each round

    mani_stats_drop_player_days 5 // Number of days since player last connected before they are removed from the stats list


    // New for V1.0.7


    // This was in previous versions but there is now a new mode, 2 = by (kills - deaths)

    mani_stats_calculate 1 // 0 = show stats by pure kills, 1 = show kills by kill/death ratio, 2 = kills - deaths


    // Brand new in V1.0.7 to try and stop one time joiners getting high KD ratios

    mani_stats_kills_required 25 // Number of kills required before a player is given a rank


    mani_stats_write_text_file 1 // Enables writing of ranks to a text file called mani_ranks.txt for export to a web page.

    mani_stats_write_to_disk_frequency 0 // Set in minutes how often you want the stats save, 0 = only once per map change. This should be used when you play


    Player commands from the say command are ‘statsme’, ‘rank’, ‘top’, ‘top1’, ‘top2’, ‘top3’ to ‘top10’.


    Reserve Slots


    Included is a basic reserve slot manager. To enable the reserve slot manager set cvar mani_reserve_slots 1

    The reserve slot manager requires that you allocated a certain amount of player slots so that players who are in the reserveslot.txt file and/or adminlist.txt file can join without waiting for the server to be not full.

    The amount of reserve slots that you wish is defined in the cvar mani_reserve_slots_number_of_slots

    If you wish players setup in the adminlist.txt file to be include as reserve slot players set the cvar mani_reserve_slots_include_admin 1


    There are two types of reserve slot strategy available: -

    Allow Reserve Slots to fill

    This is set by defining cvar mani_reserve_slots_allow_slot_fill 1

    In this mode only the reserve slots can be used by players defined in the adminlist.txt file and reserveslot.txt file.

    In this mode it will not kick existing players from the server to make way for a reserve slot player.

    Keep Reserve Slots free

    This is set by defining cvar mani_reserve_slots_allow_slot_fill 0

    In this mode the reserve slots are used solely as a buffer for people joining.

    Once a player has connected the reserve slot manager will determine if the player is on the reserveslot.txt list and kick an existing player if the server is full making the reserve slots free again.


    Kick method

    There are two ways in which the system will determine who should be kicked: -


    In this mode the player with the highest ping will be disconnected (spectators are chosen first before active players)

    For this method set your cvar mani_reserve_slots_kick_method 0


    Time Connected

    In this mode the player with the shortest connection time will be disconnected (spectators are chosen first before active players)

    For this method set your cvar mani_reserve_slots_kick_method 1


    Redirection to another server

    If a player is not allowed onto the server you can setup a cvar to redirect the player to another of your servers.

    Set cvar mani_reserve_slots_redirect to your chosen server (


    High Ping Kicker


    Included is a High Ping Kicker manager.

    The ping manager takes an average ping over a user configurable amount of ping samples (each sample is taken every 1 to 2 seconds).

    Once the amount of ping samples has expired a decision is made whether to kick the player or not. The cycle then repeats.

    Players in the adminlist.txt file are immune to being kicked.


    mani_high_ping_kick 0 // Enable disable high ping kicker (1 = on)

    mani_high_ping_kick_ping_limit 400 // Set the ping at which you want players kicked

    mani_high_ping_kick_samples_required 60 // Number of samples and averaged before a decision is made to kick a player (1 sample is about 1.5 seconds)

    mani_high_ping_kick_message "Your ping is too high" // Message displayed in console when player is disconnected

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    • 17 years later...

    Content Crawler Plugin Installation Instructions
    The Content Crawler Plugin installation process is the same as for all other plugins. After you purchase WP Content Crawler , you will receive a compressed file <span class="pre">zip</span>. You just need to upload the file to install the Content Crawler Plugin and activate the plugin. Here is a step-by-step guide.

    Make sure the Content Crawler Plugin installation requirements are met.
    Login to your WordPress admin panel.
    In the sidebar of your admin dashboard, click .<span class="pre">Plugins</span> <span class="pre">></span> <span class="pre"> Add</span> <span class="pre">New</span>
    In the opened page, click. Button next to the page title.<span class="pre">Upload</span> <span class="pre">Plugin</span>
    A section for uploading your file will be displayed. Click on the file you received from CodeCanyon and press the confirm button in the file selection window.<span class="pre">Choose</span> <span class="pre">File</span><span class=" pre">zip</span>
    Next to install the Content Crawler Plugin, click the <span class="pre">Install</span> <span class="pre">Now button. </span>Once you click the button, the installation starts
    Once installed, in the sidebar, click .<span class="pre">Settings</span> <span class="pre">></span> <span class="pre">Content< /span> <span class="pre">Crawler</span> <span class="pre">License</span> <span class="pre">Settings</span>
    In the license settings page, enter the purchase code you received from CodeCanyon. Enter the field and click . Please make sure there are no spaces at the beginning and end of the purchase code.<span class="pre">License</span> <span class="pre">Key</span><span class="pre"> Save</span> <span class="pre">Changes</span>
    The plugin is now installed and ready to load content from around the Internet.


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    il y a 1 minute, otis a dit :

    Content Crawler Plugin Installation Instructions
    The Content Crawler Plugin installation process is the same as for all other plugins. After you purchase WP Content Crawler , you will receive a compressed file <span class="pre">zip</span>. You just need to upload the file to install the Content Crawler Plugin and activate the plugin. Here is a step-by-step guide.

    Make sure the Content Crawler Plugin installation requirements are met.
    Login to your WordPress admin panel.
    In the sidebar of your admin dashboard, click .<span class="pre">Plugins</span> <span class="pre">></span> <span class="pre"> Add</span> <span class="pre">New</span>
    In the opened page, click. Button next to the page title.<span class="pre">Upload</span> <span class="pre">Plugin</span>
    A section for uploading your file will be displayed. Click on the file you received from CodeCanyon and press the confirm button in the file selection window.<span class="pre">Choose</span> <span class="pre">File fnaf </span><span class=" pre">zip</span>
    Next to install the Content Crawler Plugin, click the <span class="pre">Install</span> <span class="pre">Now button. </span>Once you click the button, the installation starts
    Once installed, in the sidebar, click .<span class="pre">Settings</span> <span class="pre">></span> <span class="pre">Content< /span> <span class="pre">Crawler</span> <span class="pre">License</span> <span class="pre">Settings</span>
    In the license settings page, enter the purchase code you received from CodeCanyon. Enter the field and click . Please make sure there are no spaces at the beginning and end of the purchase code.<span class="pre">License</span> <span class="pre">Key</span><span class="pre"> Save</span> <span class="pre">Changes</span>
    The plugin is now installed and ready to load content from around the Internet.          




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