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    À propos de jaube76

    • Date de naissance 22/06/1981

    jaube76's Achievements


    Newbie (1/14)


    Réputation sur la communauté

    1. Salut je vient de l'installer aucune erreur a l'instalation, le cron est effectif tous les 15 minute a cette adresse mais quand je me met vip, les flag ne sont pas envoyer sur le serveur de jeu sa ecrit bien dans mon admins_simple.ini "STEAM_0:0:20285035" "99:z" en allant sur le serveur de jeu, je devrais avoir les commandes mais je les est pas je passe mes admin par sql directement avec admin-sql-threaded.smx depuis un webadmin
    2. j'ai mis votre .smx sa c'est techarger les decals mais rien en jeu
    3. oui je me dit ke se doit etre la version de sourcemod qui deconne en debut de round j'ai sa: double jump on knife level
    4. ilm te met un decal quand tu fait un kill il ecrit "1 kill" ainsi de suite mais bizare c'est pas le seul a pas fonction exemple: 05 "CS:GO Double Jump" (1.3OPRC) by Darkranger,(original Script from Peagus)
    5. J'ai mi tout dedans meta list: [/code] [01] SourceMod (1.6.0-dev+4343) by AlliedModders LLC [02] CS Tools (1.6.0-dev+4343) by AlliedModders LLC [03] SDK Tools (1.6.0-dev+4343) by AlliedModders LLC [04] SDK Hooks (1.6.0-dev+4343) by AlliedModders LLC [/code] sm plugins list: 15:38:49 [sM] Listing 21 plugins: 01 "Player Commands" (1.6.0-dev+4343) by AlliedModders LLC 02 "Basic Commands" (1.6.0-dev+4343) by AlliedModders LLC 03 "Sound Commands" (1.6.0-dev+4343) by AlliedModders LLC 04 "Rock The Mode" (1.1.4) by Sheepdude 05 "CS:GO Double Jump" (1.3OPRC) by Darkranger,(original Script from Peagus) 06 "Anti-Flood" (1.6.0-dev+4343) by AlliedModders LLC 07 "Client Preferences" (1.6.0-dev+4343) by AlliedModders LLC 08 "Basic Chat" (1.6.0-dev+4343) by AlliedModders LLC 09 "Basic Info Triggers" (1.6.0-dev+4343) by AlliedModders LLC 10 "Admin Menu" (1.6.0-dev+4343) by AlliedModders LLC 11 "Admin Help" (1.6.0-dev+4343) by AlliedModders LLC 12 "Nextmap" (1.6.0-dev+4343) by AlliedModders LLC 13 "Admin File Reader" (1.6.0-dev+4343) by AlliedModders LLC 14 <Failed> "New Plugin" (1.0) by Unknown 15 "Reserved Slots" (1.6.0-dev+4343) by AlliedModders LLC 16 "Basic Votes" (1.6.0-dev+4343) by AlliedModders LLC 17 "Fun Votes" (1.6.0-dev+4343) by AlliedModders LLC 18 "Basic Comm Control" (1.6.0-dev+4343) by AlliedModders LLC 19 "Admin Sounds" (1.2.2) by cadav0r, dalto, o_O.Uberman.O_o, |HS|Jesus 20 "Basic Ban Commands" (1.6.0-dev+4343) by AlliedModders LLC 21 "Fun Commands" (1.6.0-dev+4343) by AlliedModders LLC log: L 05/07/2014 - 01:02:34: SourceMod error session started L 05/07/2014 - 01:02:34: Info (map "de_dust") (file "errors_20140507.log") L 05/07/2014 - 01:02:34: [sM] Unable to load plugin "CSGO_5Kills.smx": Native "BfWriteByte" was not found L 05/07/2014 - 01:02:34: [adminsounds.smx] Sound file xxx/salut.mp3 (name : Salut) does not exist L 05/07/2014 - 01:02:34: [adminsounds.smx] Sound file xxx/bodyrock_scout_spy.mp3 (name : Bodyrock) does not exist L 05/07/2014 - 01:02:34: [adminsounds.smx] Sound file misc/rihanna.mp3 (name : Rihanna) does not exist L 05/07/2014 - 01:02:34: Failed to auto generate config for rockthemode.smx, make sure the directory has write permission. L 05/07/2014 - 01:02:34: Failed to auto generate config for adminsounds.smx, make sure the directory has write permission. L 05/07/2014 - 01:02:34: Failed to auto generate config for funcommands.smx, make sure the directory has write permission.
    6. Bonjour Voila on monte un serveur Globale offensif fun Mais ayant sourcemod fonctionnel et metamod avec les adminsound aussi, je n'arrive pas a faire fonctionner les pluging sourcemod genre celuila . Mon serveur de test est quand je tape sm plugins list il se trouve bien dedans mais en jeu il y est pas.
    7. Salut j'ai mis les droits root dessu
    8. Bonjour Je préfers vous dire mon serveur de jeux n'est pas sur vérygames mon serveur web lui est chez verygame: Mon jeu est sur ma dedibox Voila si quelqu'un sait, se serais sympas de dire. Voila j'ai suivi un tutto pour installer hlstatsx:ce mais au bout du tutto tous passe bien, je remplis des documents avec le base de donner verygame. tout fonctionne. Il se trouve ici Je regarde mes logs et voila l'erreur est la: ./run_hlstats: ligne186: ./ Permission non accordée Quelqu'un connais la solution?
    9. Salut il a dus mal le placer Je l'ai mis sur un serveur de test, il quelque bug id: mdp: password
    10. Salut vous vous devalorisez perso vous savez très bien vous m'avez monter 1 autoVIP et un autoADMIN et sa en 2 jour en passant par une base de donnée et en plus vous m'avez régler mon serveur et depuis plus d'erreur dans les logs. Donc phobie vous demande et vous en êtes capables de sécurisez celui ci
    11. Bonjour a tous Mon serveur est en sourcemod Voila sa fais plusieur heure que je cherche a comment forcer les skins admin VIP et bot mais je ne c'est pas comment. le menu s'affiche et je ne veut pas qu'il s'affiche Je mes mon skinini et mes force admin vip et bot: //Configure your menu here "Models" { "Admin Models" { "LEADER" "z" "Team1"//TERRO { "Snowtrooper" { "path" "models/player/ics/admin_t_fixed/terror.mdl" } } "Team2"//CT { "Rodian" { "path" "models/player/ics/ct_gign_fbi/ct_gign.mdl" } } } "Public Models" { "Admin" "t" "Team1" { "Tusken" { "path" "models\player\b4p\b4p_tusken\b4p_tusken.mdl" } "Stormt" { "path" "models\player\b4p\b4p_stormt\b4p_stormt.mdl" } "Imperial" { "path" "models\player\b4p\b4p_imperial\b4p_imperial.mdl" } "Chewbacca" { "path" "models\player\b4p\b4p_chewbacca\b4p_chewbacca.mdl" } } "Team2" { "Rebel" { "path" "models\player\b4p\b4p_rebel\b4p_rebel.mdl" } "Jawa" { "path" "models\player\b4p\b4p_jawa\b4p_jawa.mdl" } "C3PO" { "path" "models\player\b4p\b4p_c3po\b4p_c3po.mdl" } "Bobafett" { "path" "models\player\b4p\b4p_bobafett\b4p_bobafett.mdl" } } } "Skin VIP" { "VIP" "or" "Team1" { "Yoda" { "path" "models\player\b4p\b4p_yoda\b4p_yoda.mdl" } } "Team2" { "Darth Vader" { "path" "models\player\b4p\b4p_vader\b4p_vader.mdl" } } } } //If you use Fastdownload make sure all your model and material files are on your webserver!!! forceskinsadmin_team2.ini //admin CT materials/models/player/ics/ct_gign_fbi/ct_gign.vmt materials/models/player/ics/ct_gign_fbi/ct_gign.vtf materials/models/player/ics/ct_gign_fbi/ct_gign_glass.vmt models/player/ics/ct_gign_fbi/ct_gign.dx80.vtx models/player/ics/ct_gign_fbi/ct_gign.dx90.vtx models/player/ics/ct_gign_fbi/ct_gign.mdl models/player/ics/ct_gign_fbi/ct_gign.phy models/player/ics/ct_gign_fbi/ct_gign.sw.vtx models/player/ics/ct_gign_fbi/ct_gign.vvd forceskinsadmin_team3.ini //admin terro materials/models/player/ics/admin_t_fixed/t_phoenix.vmt materials/models/player/ics/admin_t_fixed/t_phoenix.vmt models/player/ics/admin_t_fixed/terror.dx80.vtx models/player/ics/admin_t_fixed/terror.dx90.vtx models/player/ics/admin_t_fixed/terror.mdl models/player/ics/admin_t_fixed/terror.phy models/player/ics/admin_t_fixed/terror.sw.vtx models/player/ics/admin_t_fixed/terror.vvd forceskinsbots_team2.ini //bot CT models/player/slow/technicow/cow.dx80.vtx models/player/slow/technicow/cow.dx90.vtx models/player/slow/technicow/cow.mdl models/player/slow/technicow/cow.phy models/player/slow/technicow/cow.sw.vtx models/player/slow/technicow/cow.vvd materials/models/player/slow/technicow/th_techni_cow_diffuse_body.vmt materials/models/player/slow/technicow/th_techni_cow_diffuse_body.vtf materials/models/player/slow/technicow/th_techni_cow_diffuse_head.vmt materials/models/player/slow/technicow/th_techni_cow_diffuse_head.vtf materials/models/player/slow/technicow/th_techni_cow_normal_body.vtf materials/models/player/slow/technicow/th_techni_cow_normal_head.vtf forceskinsbots_team3.ini //bot terro models/player/slow/mario/mario.dx80.vtx models/player/slow/mario/mario.dx90.vtx models/player/slow/mario/mario.mdl models/player/slow/mario/mario.phy models/player/slow/mario/mario.sw.vtx models/player/slow/mario/mario.vvd materials/models/player/slow/mario/back.vmt materials/models/player/slow/mario/back.vtf materials/models/player/slow/mario/back_normal.vtf materials/models/player/slow/mario/black.vmt materials/models/player/slow/mario/black.vtf materials/models/player/slow/mario/black_normal.vtf materials/models/player/slow/mario/buttons.vmt materials/models/player/slow/mario/buttons.vtf materials/models/player/slow/mario/buttons_normal.vtf materials/models/player/slow/mario/ear.vmt materials/models/player/slow/mario/ear.vtf materials/models/player/slow/mario/ear_normal.vtf materials/models/player/slow/mario/eyes.vmt materials/models/player/slow/mario/eyes.vtf materials/models/player/slow/mario/eyes_normal.vtf materials/models/player/slow/mario/gloves.vmt materials/models/player/slow/mario/gloves.vtf materials/models/player/slow/mario/gloves_normal.vtf materials/models/player/slow/mario/hair.vmt materials/models/player/slow/mario/hair.vtf materials/models/player/slow/mario/hair_normal.vtf materials/models/player/slow/mario/hat.vmt materials/models/player/slow/mario/hat.vtf materials/models/player/slow/mario/hat_normal.vtf materials/models/player/slow/mario/irises.vmt materials/models/player/slow/mario/irises.vtf materials/models/player/slow/mario/irises_normal.vtf materials/models/player/slow/mario/jeans.vmt materials/models/player/slow/mario/jeans.vtf materials/models/player/slow/mario/jeans_normal.vtf materials/models/player/slow/mario/pants.vmt materials/models/player/slow/mario/pants.vtf materials/models/player/slow/mario/pants_normal.vtf materials/models/player/slow/mario/shirt.vmt materials/models/player/slow/mario/shirt.vtf materials/models/player/slow/mario/shirt_normal.vtf materials/models/player/slow/mario/shoes.vmt materials/models/player/slow/mario/shoes.vtf materials/models/player/slow/mario/shoes_normal.vtf materials/models/player/slow/mario/skin.vmt materials/models/player/slow/mario/skin.vtf materials/models/player/slow/mario/skin_normal.vtf materials/models/player/slow/mario/suspenders.vmt materials/models/player/slow/mario/suspenders.vtf materials/models/player/slow/mario/suspenders_normal.vtf forceskinsvip_team2.ini et forceskinsvip_team3.ini sont vide savez vous ou est l'erreur
    12. erreur autoadmin  [b]Warning[/b]: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /data/filer-6/web/web364/htdocs/autoadmin/main/achat/paiement_valide.php:7) in [b]/data/filer-6/web/web364/htdocs/autoadmin/main/achat/paiement_valide.php[/b] on line [b]102[/b] Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier distant pour écriture.
    13. sa me met flag z et immuyniter 50 a defaut pour sa j'ai trouver il y avait une table test
    14. tu veux les acces kupah?
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