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    How to link servers together (shards) ?


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    It is possible to link multiple Don't Starve Together servers and switch between them via in-game portals.

    For this, you must have at least two servers, one of the servers will be the master server, the one to which all the other servers will be directly linked.

    Before continuing, it is necessary to prepare some information :

    • The IP address of the master server (in the example:
    • The port used to communicate with the master server (server port +1 [or 11001 if you have a dedicated IP] with VeryGames)
    • A "password" which will be used by the servers to communicate with each other, do not communicate this password to the players, you can choose what you want (in the example: dst_123456, it is advisable to use a password strong password, which will be difficult to find)


    Start by going to the "Configuration" tab of your panel for your master server and select the "cluster.ini" file.

    You must modify the parameters whose name begins with "[CLUSTER]" in order to fill in the information that you have prepared.

    Your servers being linked after this operation, only the master server will be directly accessible, so it is also here that you can define the name, description, style and password of your cluster.


    Once this file has been edited and saved, modify the "server.ini" file, if you are configuring the master server, activate the "is_master" option and deactivate it on the "child" servers (attention, the server must be shut down when you modify this file).


    Save the file then restart the server.


    You can then perform the same operations on your other servers.


    To make sure that the operation worked well, you can look at the console of your master server (in the "Console live" tab), you should be able to see these messages after starting a child server (its IP is in this example):



    You can find detailed explanations about this system here.

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