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    ajouter/supprimer les auto-messages


    Messages recommandés


    Si sa peu vous aidez, c'est le plugins que je cherche qui sert a config les auto-messages dans le chat ou sur l'écran.

    Et aussi je voudrai savoir si il est pocible de décompiler ou de convertire les fichier .smx en un autre fichier lissible pour changer a notre envie.


    Merci de me répondre.

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    Je voudrais savoir comment ajouter des auto-message sur un serveur FFA Dod.s comme "Bienvenue sur le serveur des ..."

    ou encors comme "Pour toutes demande de recrutement allez sur http://..."


    Merci de m'éclairais sur ce sujet. :-)




    Quelle mode d'administraction utilise tu ?

    SourceMod ou Mani_admin_plugin ?


    Bonne soirée.

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    Je voudrais savoir comment ajouter des auto-message sur un serveur FFA Dod.s comme "Bienvenue sur le serveur des ..."

    ou encors comme "Pour toutes demande de recrutement allez sur http://..."


    Tu peux utiliser le plguin pour SM Advertissements.


    Et aussi je voudrai savoir si il est pocible de décompiler ou de convertire les fichier .smx en un autre fichier lissible pour changer a notre envie.


    Edite le fichier .sp qui est le fichier source éditable (ils ce trouvent dans le dossier scripting, ou avec un plugin de la communauté d' que tu pourra ensuite compiler pour donner un fichier .smx

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    J'utilise sourcemod comme mode d'administration.




    ---------- Post added at 14h37 ---------- Previous post was at 13h43 ----------


    Re alors j'ai été dans le SM advertissements.sp voici se que sa me marque


    #pragma semicolon 1

    #include <sourcemod>

    #define PL_VERSION "0.5.5"

    #define CVAR_DISABLED "OFF"

    #define CVAR_ENABLED "ON"

    public Plugin:myinfo = {

    name = "Advertisements",

    author = "Tsunami",

    description = "Display advertisements",

    version = PL_VERSION,

    url = ""


    new g_iFrames = 0;

    new g_iTickrate;

    new bool:g_bTickrate = true;

    new Float:g_fTime;

    new Handle:g_hAdvertisements = INVALID_HANDLE;

    new Handle:g_hCenterAd[MAXPLAYERS + 1];

    new Handle:g_hEnabled;

    new Handle:g_hFile;

    new Handle:g_hInterval;

    new Handle:g_hTimer;

    static g_iSColors[4] = {1, 3, 3, 4};

    static g_iTColors[13][3] = {{255, 255, 255}, {255, 0, 0}, {0, 255, 0}, {0, 0, 255}, {255, 255, 0}, {255, 0, 255}, {0, 255, 255}, {255, 128, 0}, {255, 0, 128}, {128, 255, 0}, {0, 255, 128}, {128, 0, 255}, {0, 128, 255}};

    static String:g_sSColors[4][13] = {"{DEFAULT}", "{LIGHTGREEN}", "{TEAM}", "{GREEN}"};

    static String:g_sTColors[13][12] = {"{WHITE}", "{RED}", "{GREEN}", "{BLUE}", "{YELLOW}", "{PURPLE}", "{CYAN}", "{ORANGE}", "{PINK}", "{OLIVE}", "{LIME}", "{VIOLET}", "{LIGHTBLUE}"};

    public OnPluginStart() {

    CreateConVar("sm_advertisements_version", PL_VERSION, "Display advertisements", FCVAR_PLUGIN|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_REPLICATED|FCVAR_NOTIFY);

    g_hEnabled = CreateConVar("sm_advertisements_enabled", "1", "Enable/disable displaying advertisements.");

    g_hFile = CreateConVar("sm_advertisements_file", "advertisements.txt", "File to read the advertisements from.");

    g_hInterval = CreateConVar("sm_advertisements_interval", "30", "Amount of seconds between advertisements.");


    HookConVarChange(g_hInterval, ConVarChange_Interval);

    RegServerCmd("sm_advertisements_reload", Command_ReloadAds, "Reload the advertisements");


    public OnMapStart() {



    g_hTimer = CreateTimer(GetConVarInt(g_hInterval) * 1.0, Timer_DisplayAds, _, TIMER_REPEAT|TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);


    public OnGameFrame() {

    if (g_bTickrate) {



    new Float:fTime = GetEngineTime();

    if (fTime >= g_fTime) {

    if (g_iFrames == g_iTickrate) {

    g_bTickrate = false;

    } else {

    g_iTickrate = g_iFrames;

    g_iFrames = 0;

    g_fTime = fTime + 1.0;





    public ConVarChange_Interval(Handle:convar, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[]) {

    if (g_hTimer != INVALID_HANDLE) {




    g_hTimer = CreateTimer(GetConVarInt(g_hInterval) * 1.0, Timer_DisplayAds, _, TIMER_REPEAT|TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);


    public Handler_DoNothing(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2) {}

    public Action:Command_ReloadAds(args) {



    public Action:Timer_DisplayAds(Handle:timer) {

    if (GetConVarBool(g_hEnabled)) {

    decl AdminFlag:fFlagList[16], String:sBuffer[256], String:sFlags[16], String:sText[256], String:sType[6];


    KvGetString(g_hAdvertisements, "type", sType, sizeof(sType));

    KvGetString(g_hAdvertisements, "text", sText, sizeof(sText));

    KvGetString(g_hAdvertisements, "flags", sFlags, sizeof(sFlags), "none");


    if (!KvGotoNextKey(g_hAdvertisements)) {





    new bool:bAdmins = StrEqual(sFlags, ""), bool:bFlags = !StrEqual(sFlags, "none");

    if (bFlags) {

    FlagBitsToArray(ReadFlagString(sFlags), fFlagList, sizeof(fFlagList));



    if (StrContains(sText, "{CURRENTMAP}") != -1) {

    GetCurrentMap(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer));

    ReplaceString(sText, sizeof(sText), "{CURRENTMAP}", sBuffer);



    if (StrContains(sText, "{DATE}") != -1) {

    FormatTime(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%m/%d/%Y");

    ReplaceString(sText, sizeof(sText), "{DATE}", sBuffer);



    if (StrContains(sText, "{TICKRATE}") != -1) {

    IntToString(g_iTickrate, sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer));

    ReplaceString(sText, sizeof(sText), "{TICKRATE}", sBuffer);



    if (StrContains(sText, "{TIME}") != -1) {

    FormatTime(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%I:%M:%S%p");

    ReplaceString(sText, sizeof(sText), "{TIME}", sBuffer);



    if (StrContains(sText, "{TIME24}") != -1) {

    FormatTime(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%H:%M:%S");

    ReplaceString(sText, sizeof(sText), "{TIME24}", sBuffer);



    if (StrContains(sText, "{TIMELEFT}") != -1) {

    new iMins, iSecs, iTimeLeft;


    if (GetMapTimeLeft(iTimeLeft) && iTimeLeft > 0) {

    iMins = iTimeLeft / 60;

    iSecs = iTimeLeft % 60;



    Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%d:%02d", iMins, iSecs);

    ReplaceString(sText, sizeof(sText), "{TIMELEFT}", sBuffer);



    if (StrContains(sText, "\\n") != -1) {

    Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%c", 13);

    ReplaceString(sText, sizeof(sText), "\\n", sBuffer);



    new iStart = StrContains(sText, "{BOOL:");

    while (iStart != -1) {

    new iEnd = StrContains(sText[iStart + 6], "}");


    if (iEnd != -1) {

    decl String:sConVar[64], String:sName[64];


    strcopy(sConVar, iEnd + 1, sText[iStart + 6]);

    Format(sName, sizeof(sName), "{BOOL:%s}", sConVar);


    new Handle:hConVar = FindConVar(sConVar);

    if (hConVar != INVALID_HANDLE) {

    ReplaceString(sText, sizeof(sText), sName, GetConVarBool(hConVar) ? CVAR_ENABLED : CVAR_DISABLED);




    new iStart2 = StrContains(sText[iStart + 1], "{BOOL:") + iStart + 1;

    if (iStart == iStart2) {


    } else {

    iStart = iStart2;




    iStart = StrContains(sText, "{");

    while (iStart != -1) {

    new iEnd = StrContains(sText[iStart + 1], "}");


    if (iEnd != -1) {

    decl String:sConVar[64], String:sName[64];


    strcopy(sConVar, iEnd + 1, sText[iStart + 1]);

    Format(sName, sizeof(sName), "{%s}", sConVar);


    new Handle:hConVar = FindConVar(sConVar);

    if (hConVar != INVALID_HANDLE) {

    GetConVarString(hConVar, sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer));

    ReplaceString(sText, sizeof(sText), sName, sBuffer);




    new iStart2 = StrContains(sText[iStart + 1], "{") + iStart + 1;

    if (iStart == iStart2) {


    } else {

    iStart = iStart2;




    if (StrContains(sType, "C") != -1) {

    for (new i = 1, iClients = GetClientCount(); i <= iClients; i++) {

    if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) &&

    ((!bAdmins && !(bFlags && HasFlag(i, fFlagList))) ||

    bAdmins && (GetUserFlagBits(i) & ADMFLAG_GENERIC ||

    GetUserFlagBits(i) & ADMFLAG_ROOT))) {

    PrintCenterText(i, sText);


    new Handle:hCenterAd;

    g_hCenterAd = CreateDataTimer(1.0, Timer_CenterAd, hCenterAd, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE|TIMER_REPEAT);

    WritePackCell(hCenterAd, i);

    WritePackString(hCenterAd, sText);




    if (StrContains(sType, "H") != -1) {

    for (new i = 1, iClients = GetClientCount(); i <= iClients; i++) {

    if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) &&

    ((!bAdmins && !(bFlags && HasFlag(i, fFlagList))) ||

    bAdmins && (GetUserFlagBits(i) & ADMFLAG_GENERIC ||

    GetUserFlagBits(i) & ADMFLAG_ROOT))) {

    PrintHintText(i, sText);




    if (StrContains(sType, "M") != -1) {

    new Handle:hPl = CreatePanel();

    DrawPanelText(hPl, sText);

    SetPanelCurrentKey(hPl, 10);


    for (new i = 1, iClients = GetClientCount(); i <= iClients; i++) {

    if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) &&

    ((!bAdmins && !(bFlags && HasFlag(i, fFlagList))) ||

    bAdmins && (GetUserFlagBits(i) & ADMFLAG_GENERIC ||

    GetUserFlagBits(i) & ADMFLAG_ROOT))) {

    SendPanelToClient(hPl, i, Handler_DoNothing, 10);






    if (StrContains(sType, "S") != -1) {

    new iTeamColors = StrContains(sText, "{TEAM}"), String:sColor[4];


    Format(sText, sizeof(sText), "%c%s", 1, sText);


    for (new c = 0; c < sizeof(g_iSColors); c++) {

    if (StrContains(sText, g_sSColors[c])) {

    Format(sColor, sizeof(sColor), "%c", g_iSColors[c]);

    ReplaceString(sText, sizeof(sText), g_sSColors[c], sColor);




    if (iTeamColors == -1) {

    for (new i = 1, iClients = GetClientCount(); i <= iClients; i++) {

    if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) &&

    ((!bAdmins && !(bFlags && HasFlag(i, fFlagList))) ||

    bAdmins && (GetUserFlagBits(i) & ADMFLAG_GENERIC ||

    GetUserFlagBits(i) & ADMFLAG_ROOT))) {

    PrintToChat(i, sText);



    } else {

    for (new i = 1, iClients = GetClientCount(); i <= iClients; i++) {

    if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) &&

    ((!bAdmins && !(bFlags && HasFlag(i, fFlagList))) ||

    bAdmins && (GetUserFlagBits(i) & ADMFLAG_GENERIC ||

    GetUserFlagBits(i) & ADMFLAG_ROOT))) {

    SayText2(i, sText);





    if (StrContains(sType, "T") != -1) {

    decl String:sColor[16];

    new iColor = -1, iPos = BreakString(sText, sColor, sizeof(sColor));


    for (new i = 0; i < sizeof(g_sTColors); i++) {

    if (StrEqual(sColor, g_sTColors)) {

    iColor = i;




    if (iColor == -1) {

    iPos = 0;

    iColor = 0;



    new Handle:hKv = CreateKeyValues("Stuff", "title", sText[iPos]);

    KvSetColor(hKv, "color", g_iTColors[iColor][0], g_iTColors[iColor][1], g_iTColors[iColor][2], 255);

    KvSetNum(hKv, "level", 1);

    KvSetNum(hKv, "time", 10);


    for (new i = 1, iClients = GetClientCount(); i <= iClients; i++) {

    if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) &&

    ((!bAdmins && !(bFlags && HasFlag(i, fFlagList))) ||

    bAdmins && (GetUserFlagBits(i) & ADMFLAG_GENERIC ||

    GetUserFlagBits(i) & ADMFLAG_ROOT))) {

    CreateDialog(i, hKv, DialogType_Msg);








    public Action:Timer_CenterAd(Handle:timer, Handle:pack) {

    decl String:sText[256];

    static iCount = 0;



    new iClient = ReadPackCell(pack);

    ReadPackString(pack, sText, sizeof(sText));


    if (IsClientInGame(iClient) && ++iCount < 5) {

    PrintCenterText(iClient, sText);


    return Plugin_Continue;

    } else {

    iCount = 0;

    g_hCenterAd[iClient] = INVALID_HANDLE;


    return Plugin_Stop;



    ParseAds() {

    if (g_hAdvertisements != INVALID_HANDLE) {




    g_hAdvertisements = CreateKeyValues("Advertisements");


    decl String:sFile[256], String:sPath[256];

    GetConVarString(g_hFile, sFile, sizeof(sFile));

    BuildPath(Path_SM, sPath, sizeof(sPath), "configs/%s", sFile);


    if (FileExists(sPath)) {

    FileToKeyValues(g_hAdvertisements, sPath);


    } else {

    SetFailState("File Not Found: %s", sPath);



    SayText2(to, const String:message[]) {

    new Handle:hBf = StartMessageOne("SayText2", to);


    if (hBf != INVALID_HANDLE) {

    BfWriteByte(hBf, to);

    BfWriteByte(hBf, true);

    BfWriteString(hBf, message);





    bool:HasFlag(iClient, AdminFlag:fFlagList[16]) {

    new iFlags = GetUserFlagBits(iClient);

    if (iFlags & ADMFLAG_ROOT) {

    return true;

    } else {

    for (new i = 0; i < sizeof(fFlagList); i++) {

    if (iFlags & FlagToBit(fFlagList)) {

    return true;




    return false;




    Où est ce que je mets les messages? "bienvenue sur ..."


    Merci de me répondre =)

    Modifié par gaetalb
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