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    Change your server type


    Messages recommandés

    PvE (Pioneering)


    In Pioneering Servers, Explorers cannot attack each other, their tames, or their structures. A Soil Privilege Marker can be crafted, which prevents other players from building structures or placing terrain blocks within the area claimed by the Marker! There is a cap on how large a Soil Privilege Marker can get and cannot overlap. Explorers will need to renew their Marker at least once every three days in order to keep the land claimed for themself.


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    PVP (Fury)


    Fury Servers are meant for Explorers who want to take on one another in combat! During a week, there will be five days of peace, leading up to two days of War! During peace, as the name indicates, Explorers will not be able to attack each other, their tames, or their structures. However, once a War period arrives, everything will then become target-able. The Peace times are currently planned for weekdays, Monday through Friday, and War times will be the weekends, Saturday and Sunday.


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